Grant Programs

House Bill 20 (2023), as passed by the Missouri General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Parson, supports the grant programs listed below with Missouri’s ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Funds. Learn more about grant programs by clicking on the program tiles below or reviewing specific grant guidelines.  

Note, for all programs, funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024, and expended by December 31, 2026. 

Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant (Closed)

Program Description

For necessary drinking water infrastructure projects, which are responsive to an identified need to achieve or maintain an adequate level of service.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date

After 10/12/2022

Application Scores & Status

Eligible Entities

Public water and sewer districts, incorporated municipalities, privately owned utilities, nonprofit organizations and quasi-governmental agencies.

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

This is a competitive community grant program. The maximum grant award will be $5,000,000. Local cost share (or “local match”), of no less than one dollar, must be provided by the applicant for a project to be eligible for state ARPA funding.

Example Expenses

  • Dam and reservoir repair and restoration projects
  • Interconnecting water systems
  • Projects needed to maintain compliance
  • Projects to replace aging infrastructure Treatment projects
  • Treatment projects
  • Transmission and distribution projects
  • Storage projects

Preference Given To

Project need, affordability, financial and engineering capability.

Wastewater Infrastructure Grant (Closed)

Program Description

For necessary wastewater infrastructure projects, which are responsive to an identified need to achieve or maintain an adequate level of service.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date

After 10/12/2022

Application Scores & Status

Eligible Entities

Public water and sewer districts, incorporated municipalities, privately owned utilities, nonprofit organizations and quasi-governmental agencies.

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

This is a competitive community grant program. The maximum grant award will be $5,000,000. Local cost share (or “local match”), of no less than one dollar, must be provided by the applicant for a project to be eligible for state ARPA funding.

Example Expenses

  • Construction, repair or replacement of a permitted centralized or decentralized wastewater treatment system
  • Measures to reduce the demand for publicly owned treatment works capacity
  • Measures to reduce the energy consumption needs for publicly owned treatment works
  • Projects involving the reuse or recycling of wastewater
  • Measures to increase the security of publicly owned treatment works
  • Allow a public or non-profit to apply for and administer the installation, repair or replacement of private septic units

Preference Given To

Project need, affordability, financial and engineering capability.

Stormwater Infrastructure Grant (Closed)

Program Description

For necessary stormwater infrastructure projects.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date

After 10/12/2022

Application Scores & Status

Eligible Entities

Counties, incorporated municipalities and public sewer districts that manage stormwater infrastructure for a permitted MS4 or CSO system.

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

This is a competitive community grant program. The maximum grant award will be $5,000,000. Local cost share (or “local match”), of no less than one dollar, must be provided by the applicant for a project to be eligible for state ARPA funding.

Example Expenses

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) and Combined Sewer Overflow Systems (CSOs)
  • Projects that support stormwater system resiliency
  • Projects involving the reuse or recycling of stormwater
  • A broad range of stormwater infrastructure projects
  • Green roofs, green streets and green walls
  • Dam removal projects and associated stream and habitat restoration projects
  • Repair, replacement or removal of culverts or other road-stream crossing infrastructure
  • Road repairs and upgrades that interact directly with an eligible stormwater infrastructure project
  • Projects to receive and distribute reclaimed water for irrigation systems or other agricultural use

Preference Given To

Project need, affordability, financial and engineering capability.

Lead Service Line Inventory Grant (Closed)

Program Description

By October 16, 2024, water systems must submit a service line inventory to the state and make it publicly accessible. This grant opportunity makes it possible for financially distressed communities to develop their inventory.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date

After 10/12/2022

Application Scores & Status

Eligible Entities

Incorporated municipalities, public water or sewer districts, quasi-governmental agencies or privately owned utilities

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

This is a competitive community grant program. The maximum grant award will be $200,000. Local cost share (or “local match”), of no less than one dollar, must be provided by the applicant for a project to be eligible for state ARPA funding.

Example Expenses

  • Complete service line inventories for submittal to the state.

Preference Given To

Project need, affordability, financial and engineering capability.

Cell Tower Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Cell Towers Grant will fund the construction, retrofitting, or refurbishment of towers on public lands improving access for those who depend on cellular service for internet. The program will target areas with less than 50 persons per square mile.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date

5/31/2023 – 10:00AM CST

Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

Cellular providers and tower owners.

Program Requirements

This is a competitive grant program. The maximum grant award will be $750,000. The minimum grant award will be $100,000. The applicant maximum for program is $8 million. Private investment is not required; however, prioritization will be given to projects for which the applicant is including a private investment of at least 20%.

Funding Structure

Multiple funding rounds will be held in Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024). Dates for future rounds will be announced at the close of each round until all funds are awarded. Updates will be announced on the Office of Broadband Development webpage.

Please visit for more information.

Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Missouri Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program helps providers, communities, counties, and regions invest in building broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas of the state through competitive grants. Please visit for more information.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date

75 days after the close of the application period

Eligible Entities

  • Corporations
  • Or partnerships;
  • Limited liability companies;
  • Nonprofit organizations;
  • Local Governments;
  • Rural electric cooperatives organized under chapter 394 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri and their broadband affiliates;
  • Telephone cooperatives, as defined in §386.020(55); and
  • Public-private partnerships, with private or nonprofit partners that are registered in this state

Program Requirements

This is a competitive grant program. The maximum grant award will be $10,000,000. The minimum grant award will be $100,000. The applicant maximum for program is $100 million. Local cost match is not required; however prioritization will be given to projects for which the applicant is including a private funding match of at least 20%, and additional credit will be given to projects receiving local government funding.

Funding Structure

The Department awarded all program funds through one application cycle. Please visit for more information.

Entertainment Industry Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Entertainment Industry Grant Program helps entertainment venue owners and operators with operational expenses due to the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please visit for more information.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date

6/22/2023 – 10:00 A.M. CST

Application Close Date

7/31/2023 – 5:00 P.M. CST

Award Date


Eligible Entities

The following entities are eligible to receive funds from the Program:

1.  Entertainment Venue Operators – for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations operating entertainment venues as follows:

  • Live venue operators
  • A live venue operator, theatrical produced, or live performing arts organization operator is an individual or entity that, as a principal business activity, organizes, promotes, produces and manages, or hosts live concerts, comedy shows, theatrical productions, or other events by performing artists at a venue with the following characteristics:
  • A defined performance and audience space;
  • Mixing equipment, a public address system, and a lighting rig;
  • There is a paid ticket or cover charge to attend most performances;
  • Performances are marketed through listings in printed or electronic publications, on websites, by mass email or on social media.

An individual or entity, such as a performance group, may be considered a live venue operator and eligible for this Program if they rent a single venue for no less than 30 days annually and that venue meets the characteristics enumerated in this section above.

  • Museum operators
  • Serving as a museum is its principal business activity;
  • Indoor exhibition spaces are a component of the principal business activity; and
  • Activity space for regular programming.
  • Motion picture theater operators (including owners)
  • A motion picture theater operator is an individual or entity that as the principal business activity of the individual or the entity, owns or operators at least one place of public accommodation for the purpose of motion picture exhibition for a fee.

2.  A for-profit business that is not an entertainment venue, but receives at least 51% of its revenue directly from an entertainment venue.

  • Applicants in this category will be required to submit copies of invoices and proof of payment to entertainment venues that total at least 51% of the applicant’s revenue for both the 2019 and 2021 tax periods.

Program Requirements

  • Minimum Applicant Requirements:
  • Applicants must be Missouri-based (headquartered and operating in the state of Missouri)
  • Applicant must, at the time of application, employ 50 or fewer full-time employees, including the owner(s)
  • Full-time employee is defined as an individual who is scheduled to work 35 or more hours per week.
  • Applicant must have been in operation in Missouri to January 1, 2020 and be currently operating
  • Applicant must self-certify that, barring unforeseen circumstances, it plans to remain in business through calendar year 2023
  • If Applicant is a type of entity required to register with the Missouri Secretary of State (SOS) to conduct business in Missouri, Applicant must be registered and in good standing with the SOS

1.  Applicant is enrolled in E-Verify and provides a copy of its signed Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as required by § 285.530 RSMo[1], unless Applicant is a sole proprietor with no employees

2.  Applicant has a Missouri Tax ID Number (EIN)

3.  Applicant has a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

4.  Applicant submits Beneficiary Agreement Appendix A: Vendor Input Form or already has a Missouri SAMII Vendor ID Number

[1] The E-Verify Program is currently the only federal work authorization program as described in § 285.530 RSMo. If Applicant is not already enrolled in E-Verify, go to to learn what is needed to enroll and enroll in the program. Applicant can provide a copy of the entire MOU or it can provide the last few pages starting with the signature page. Include the page(s) with “Information relating to your Company” and “Are you verifying for more than 1 site? If yes, please provide the number of sites verified for in each State”, which should be the pages immediately after the signature page. 

  • Minimum and maximum awards
  • Grant minimum: $10,000
  • Grant maximum: $100,000
  • Eligible Grant Proceeds
  • Payroll and employee benefits;
  • Rent or mortgage;
  • Utilities;
  • Inventory;
  • Supplies;
  • Unemployment insurance;
  • Professional licensing costs; and
  • Licenses and permits.

Funding Structure

DED intends to award all funds in one funding round, but may hold additional funding rounds to ensure all available funds are spent.

Please visit for more information.

Local Tourism Asset Development Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Local Tourism Asset Development Grant Program supports public/private partnerships intended to further the statewide recovery of the tourism, travel, and hospitality industries (Tourism Industry) from the negative economic impact of COVID-19.

This competitive grant program will support high priority local projects such as:

1. Upgrades to indoor and outdoor tourism, travel, and hospitality facilities. This can include COVID-19 mitigation and prevention measures as well as upgrades that were delayed due to the pandemic.

2. New indoor and outdoor tourism, travel, and hospitality facilities for which the planning, development, and/or construction were delayed due to the negative economic impact of COVID-19 (supporting tying the negative economic impact to the delay is required).

3. Rehabilitation, renovation, maintenance or costs to secure vacant or abandoned property to reduce their negative impact and position the property for current Tourism Industry uses.

Please visit for more information.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

  • Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs)
  • Convention & Visitors Bureaus
  • Municipalities and counties
  • Other nonprofit organizations
  • Chambers of Commerce (Eligible only in geographic areas under the Funding Category titled “Category 3”)

Program Requirements

This is a competitive grant program. Individual grant amounts will be subject to the following limitations:

  • Category 1

County Tourism Levels 1-5

  • Minimum per Project Award: $250,000
  • Maximum per Project Award: $2.5 million
  • Available Funds: $10 million
  • Category 2

County Tourism Levels 6-8

  • Minimum per Project Award: $1 million
  • Maximum per Project Award: $3.5 million
  • Available Funds: $14 million
  • Category 3

All counties not included in the above County Tourism Levels

  • Minimum per Project Award: $250,000
  • Maximum per Project Award: $1.5 million
  • Available Funds: $6 million

Funding Structure

The Department awarded all program funds through one application cyclePlease visit for more information.

Community Revitalization Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Community Revitalization Grant Program will make significant investments in communities of all sizes throughout Missouri. Through competitive grants, the Program will help support major local priorities in order to spur economic recovery today while helping communities build stronger economies for the future. Please visit for more information.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date – 2nd Round


*Program initially launched 9/28/2022

Application Close Date – 2nd Round


*Program initially closed 11/30/2022

Award Date – 2nd Round


Eligible Entities

The following entities are eligible to apply for the Program, providing the proposed project seeks to impact eligible beneficiaries listed in Section 5 of the final guidelines:

  • Missouri municipalities (incorporated cities, towns, or villages)
  • Missouri counties
  • Missouri Industrial Development Authorities (organized pursuant to Chapter 349 RSMo)
  • Nonprofit organizations (organized pursuant to Chapters 352 or 355 RSMo)

Program Requirements

  • This is a competitive grant program.
  • Grant minimum: $250,000
  • Grant maximum: Applicants may apply for multiple projects. Total requests for one applicant may not be for more than 25% of the total amount available for the applicable funding category listed in section 3 of the final Guidelines.
  • Applicants may apply under multiple funding categories.
  • A local match of at least 50% is required; however, projects that demonstrate the ability to provide matching funds greater than 50% will score higher.

Funding Structure

The Department awarded all program funds through two application cycles. Please visit for more information.

Industrial Site Development Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Industrial Site Development Grant Program helps communities develop shovel-ready industrial sites to support business expansion and attractionPlease visit for more information.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date

12/21/2022 at 10:00AM CST

Application Close Date

2/21/2023 – 11:59PM CST

Award Date


Eligible Entities

The General Assembly appropriated the funds for political subdivisions. The following entities are eligible to receive funds from the Program:

  • Missouri municipalities (incorporated cities, towns, or villages)
  • Missouri counties
  • Missouri levee districts (organized pursuant to Chapter 245 RSMo)
  • Missouri Industrial Development Authorities (organized pursuant to Chapter 349 RSMo)
  • Port authorities (organized pursuant to Chapter 68 RSMo)
  • Other political subdivisions that conduct economic development activities

Program Requirements

  • Funding Categories
  • Mega Sites
  • Total funds available: $50 million
  • Defined as: The creation or expansion of an industrial site that is at time of application, or as a result of a successful project, 1,000 or more contiguous, developable acres.
  • Premium Sites
  • Total funds available: $25 million
  • Defined as: The creation or expansion of an industrial site that, as a result of a successful project would be more than 50 and less than 1,000 contiguous, developable acres.
  • Minimum and maximum awards
  • Grant minimum: $500,000
  • Maximum award is limited to available funds Funding Category identified
  • Mega Site Maximum Award: $50 Million
  • Premier Site Maximum Award: $5 Million
  • Eligible Activities
  • Land assemblage
  • Site feasibility and planning
  • Site engineering
  • Site preparation
  • Infrastructure development

Funding Structure

The Department awarded all program funds through one application cycle. Please visit for more information.

Small Business Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Small Business Grant Program (Program) provides assistance to small businesses that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please visit for more information.

Total Allocation

$10,000,000 ($2,000,000 are reserved for minority-or women owned small businesses)

Application Launch Date

11/16/2022 – 10:00AM CST

Application Close Date


Award Date

As applications are received and reviewed

Eligible Entities

  • Applicant is organized as a for-profit entity.
  • Applicant must be Missouri-based (located and operating in the state of Missouri).
  • Applicant must, at the time of application, employ 50 or fewer full-time employees, including the owner(s).
  • Full-time employee is defined as an individual who is scheduled to work 35 or more hours per week.
  • Applicant must have been in operation in Missouri since before January 1, 2020 and be currently operating.
  • Applicant must self-certify that, barring unforeseen circumstances, it plans to remain in business through calendar year 2023.

Program Requirements

  • Award minimum: $2,500
  • Award maximum: $25,000
  • Decreased Gross Revenue/Receipts
  • Eligible applicants are qualified to receive Program funds by submitting documentation demonstrating negative economic impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the form of declining revenues or gross receipts of at least $2,500.
  • Proof of declining revenues or gross receipts is to be demonstrated by the Applicant through the submission of tax filings showing a decrease in gross revenue/receipts in 2021 as compared to gross revenue/receipts in 2019.
  • Required Documentation:
  • Tax Filings – Applicants must submit a copy of their 2019 tax filing and 2021 tax filing. The following forms are acceptable documentation:
  • Form 1120
  • Form 1120S
  • Schedule C filed with Form 1040
  • Schedule F filed with Form 1040
  • Form 1065
  • Narrative Statement – Statement of 300 words or less explaining how Applicant’s decrease in revenue or receipts was related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding Structure

The Department awarded all program funds on a first-come, first-awarded basis through in one funding round.

Nonprofit Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Nonprofit Grant Program provides funds to support nonprofits facing economic hardships from COVID or nonprofits providing assistance identified as an eligible ARPA expense; the applicant must meet eligibility requirements to receive grant funds.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date

5/31/2023 – 10:00AM CST

Application Close Date


Award Date

Ongoing August – October 2023

Eligible Entities

The following entities are eligible to receive funds from the Program:

  • Missouri-based nonprofit organizations holding a 501(c)(3) IRS tax exempt status or 501 (c)(19) IRS tax exempt status (refer to the Program guidelines for exclusions), that primarily provide services to disadvantaged, vulnerable or at-risk populations.

Program Requirements

  • Minimum Applicant Requirements:
  • Be a Missouri-based nonprofit organization holding a 501(c)(3) IRS tax exempt status or 501(c)(19) IRS tax exempt status (excluding such nonprofits as set forth in ineligible Applicants).
  • Primarily provide services to disadvantaged, vulnerable, or at-risk populations residing in Missouri. “Primarily” means 51% or more of clients served.
  • Applicant must have been in operation in Missouri as of March 13, 2019.
  • Has experienced a negative economic impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Be incorporated within the state of Missouri and have a majority of operations occurring within the state.
  • Applicant must self-certify that, barring unforeseen circumstances, it plans to remain in business through calendar year 2023.
  • If Applicant is a type of entity required to register with the Missouri Secretary of State (SOS) to conduct business in Missouri, Applicant must be registered and in good standing with the SOS.
  • Applicant is enrolled in E-Verify and provides a copy of its signed Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as required by § 285.530 RSMo, unless Applicant is a sole proprietor with no employees.
  • Applicant has a Missouri Tax ID Number (EIN).
  • Applicant has a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).
  • Applicant submits Beneficiary Agreement Appendix A: Vendor Input Form or already has a Missouri SAMII Vendor ID Number.
  • Awards
  • Grant award amount: $25,000
  • Eligible Grant Proceeds
  • Payroll and employee benefits;
  • Rent or mortgage;
  • Utilities;
  • Inventory;
  • Supplies;
  • Unemployment insurance;
  • Professional licensing costs; and
  • Licenses and permits.

Funding Structure

The Department awarded all program funds on a first-come, first-awarded basis through in one funding round.

[1] The E-Verify Program is currently the only federal work authorization program as described in § 285.530 RSMo. If Applicant is not already enrolled in E-Verify, go to to learn what is needed to enroll and enroll in the program. Applicant can provide a copy of the entire MOU or it can provide the last few pages starting with the signature page. Include the page(s) with “Information relating to your Company” and “Are you verifying for more than 1 site? If yes, please provide the number of sites verified for in each State”, which should be the pages immediately after the signature page. 

Grants to Innovative Projects to Promote Agriculture in Urban/Suburban Communities (Closed)

Program Description

For competitive grants to innovative projects that promote agriculture in urban/suburban communities

Total Allocation


Workforce Training Grant Program (Closed)

Program Description

The Workforce Training Grant Program helps companies address the broad workforce disruption stemming from the pandemic through grants funding projects to recruit and train individuals who are seeking to move to a job that provides better opportunity for economic advancement. Please visit for more information.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

  • Missouri company(ies) seeking to recruit and train new or existing employees who are eligible beneficiaries
  • Entities located in Missouri and working in coordination with a Missouri company(ies) including:
  • Missouri Public Local Education Agencies
  • Industry Associations
  • Local Economic Development Organizations
  • Local Workforce Development Boards
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Nonprofit Organizations

Program Requirements

This is a competitive grant program. The maximum grant award will be $4,000,000 per applicant. The minimum grant award will be $50,000 per project. Local cost match is not required; however prioritization will be given to projects for which the applicant is including a match of at least 25%.

Funding Structure

The Department awarded all program funds through one application cycle. Please visit for more information.

Missouri Area Career Center Opportunities (Closed)

Program Description

Assist the 57 Missouri Career and Technical Education area career centers in creating new high-demand and emerging programs, improve infrastructure of current facilities, upgrade equipment, and renovate and/or construct facilities.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date

10/28/2022 – 5:00PM CST

Award Date


Eligible Entities

Missouri’s 57 local Career and Technical Education (CTE) centers

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

Requires 25% local match

Example Expenses

  • Expansion and development of high-demand and emerging programs that increase student capacity
  • Renovate, remodel and/or construct facilities
  • Improve infrastructure of facilities
  • Upgrade industry relevant equipment
Private MoExcels Grant (Closed)

Program Description

This program will fund projects that allow institutions to reach and serve new populations and to enhance support for underrepresented students in order to give individuals the opportunity to train for entrepreneurship and other in-demand occupations. 

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date

9/1/2022 – 5:00PM CST

Award Date


Eligible Entities

Individual institutions or consortia of institutions. Only private, not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Missouri may submit proposals.

Individual institutions or consortia of institutions. Only private, not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Missouri may submit proposals.

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

Each institution may request up to $1 million, and funding will be released as a reimbursement to institutions for project expenditures. All proposals must include a dollar-for-dollar match.

Example Expenses

  • Outreach and recruitment efforts, student support services, professional and curriculum development, construction/renovation, and the purchase of equipment. Funds may not be used to pay students’ tuition, fees, or other expenses.
Agriculture Innovation & Workforce Development Grant (Closed)

Program Description

This program will fund projects that implement agriculture innovation and workforce development programs that directly address negative economic impacts on agriculture production, the food or labor supply chain, or agriculture input. Projects should impact Missouri agriculture broadly.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date

9/1/2022 â€“ 5:00PM CST

Award Date


Eligible Entities

Proposals may be submitted by individual institutions or consortia of institutions. Only public institutions of higher education, including community colleges, State Technical College of Missouri, and public universities, may submit proposals

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

Each institution may request up to $2 million, and funding will be released as a reimbursement to institutions for project expenditures. All proposals must include a dollar-for-dollar match.

Example Expenses

  • Outreach and recruitment efforts, professional and curriculum development, construction/renovation, and the purchase of equipment. Funds may not be used to pay students’ tuition, fees, or other expenses.

Preference Given To

Applications will be scored according to this scoring rubic.

For more information, contact

MASBDA Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program (Closed)

Program Description

The purpose of the Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program (BIIP) is to increase the distribution and use of biofuels in the state of Missouri. Funds from the program will be awarded to fuel retailers, fuel distributors, terminal companies, and fleet operations that are dispensing, or have plans to store or dispense ethanol blends of E15 or higher, or biodiesel blends of B6 or higher.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date

No later than April 30, 2023

Eligible Entities

Applicants must be a business entity that is constructing new, or retrofitting or improving existing, infrastructure or equipment which handles biodiesel fuel, biodiesel blend fuel, or ethanol blended gasoline at a facility located in Missouri. The project may include multiple locations within the state.

Program Requirements

Operators of Residential Care / Assisted Living Facilities (CLOSED)

Program Description

Operators may seek reimbursement for expenses incurred and/or business interruption costs directly related to preparing, preventing, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses must have been incurred between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

  • Costs eligible for reimbursement include:
  • Payroll costs;
  • Training and orientation; and
  • Operational supplies.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

Operators of residential care and assisted living facilities license by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

Operators of residential care and assisted living facilities with beds licensed by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services are eligible to receive reimbursement for payroll costs, training and orientations and operational supplies expenses that relate directly to preparing, preventing and responding to the pandemic.

Example Expenses

  • Wage rate increases
  • Overtime pay
  • Bonuses – sign-on and retention
  • Staff orientation
  • Disease prevention and response
  • Software
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Sanitation company services
  • Software used in tracking COVID-related information
  • Staff incentives
  • Others that supported facility’s planning, preparing and response to the pandemic

Preference Given To

Reimbursement requests processed on a first-come, first-served manner

Emergency Medical Service Providers Grant Program (Closed)


You will need to complete your application for this program using the MO DPS WebGrants Portal.

Program Description

For grants to emergency medical service providers, provided that the maximum award shall be $20,000 per recipient, and further provided that local match be provided in order to be eligible for state funds.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

Emergency medical service providers

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

$20,000 maximum award per recipient. Local match required.

Please visit the DPS ARPA Grants page for more information.

Peace Officer Grant Program (Closed)


You will need to complete your application for this program using the  MO DPS WebGrants Portal.

Program Description

For grants to law enforcement agencies, provided that the maximum award shall be $20,000 per recipient, and further provided that local match be provided in order to be eligible for state funds.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

Law enforcement agencies employing peace officers

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

$20,000 maximum award per recipient. Local match required.

Please visit the  DPS ARPA Grants page for more information.

Fire Protection Grant Program (Closed)


You will need to complete your application for this program using the  MO DPS WebGrants Portal.

Program Description

For grants to fire protection entities, provided that the maximum award shall be $20,000 per recipient, and further provided that local match be provided in order to be eligible for state funds.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

Fire protection entities

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

$20,000 maximum award per recipient. Local match required.

Please visit the  DPS ARPA Grants page for more information.

County Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Sex Crimes against Children (Closed)

Program Description

This funding will provide financial assistance to law enforcement agencies and prosecutors’ offices for jurisdictions with a high percentage of child sexual abuse investigations and prosecutions.

Total Allocation

$1,000,000 (Cap of $100,000 per recipient program)

Application Launch Date


Application Close Date

05/12/2023 at 5PM CST

Award Date


Eligible Entities

Counties, cities not in a county, local government entities for direct support of prosecutors offices and law enforcement agencies. Non-profit and for-profit organizations are NOT eligible for this funding opportunity.

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

Funds can be used for the following items. Please see the supporting documents for more details, as well as items which are ineligible for this funding.

  • Personnel, personnel benefits, personnel overtimes
  • Training/Travel
  • Equipment
  • Supplies/Operations
  • Contractual expenses
County Jail Maintenance and Improvement Grant (Closed)

Program Description

You will need to complete your application for this program using the  MO DPS WebGrants Portal.

Program Description

For maintenance and improvements for county jails, provided that any grant awards disbursed from this appropriation shall be matched on a 50/50 basis provided that such funds shall be matched by the recipient or local entity.

Total Allocation


Application Launch Date


Application Close Date


Award Date


Eligible Entities

County Jail Administrative Agencies

Program Requirements/Fund Structure

Administrative agencies of county jails are eligible to receive support to ensure facilities are safe and secure for inmates, staff, and the citizens of Missouri. Eligible costs may support equipment, supplies, and/or contractual expenses. Some equipment items have specific requirements, however these items are not the only equipment items eligible for funding.

Please visit the  DPS ARPA Grants page for more information.